New (old) Phone
April 6th, 2009
I have been on a search for an antique phone to use for a concept photo shoot. You would not believe how hard it is to find an old dial phone. If you do find one, they are quite expensive. Even phones in bad shape are pricey. So, a couple of weeks ago I found an old black desk phone that is probably 20-30 years old. However, while it wasn’t exactly what I was looking for, it would do.
Saturday, my wife and I went looking at used furniture/antique stores. I was looking for a table for the studio and guess what I found? If you guessed an antique phone, you are right. It is an kjobenhavns telefon-aktieselskab telephone. I Googled it, and all I know that it was made in Denmark sometime in the 1920s. Here is a photo of my new treasure:
It is not in great shape, but will work fine as a prop.
Today, I had to run to Jefferson Point to buy a gift. I cut thru Barnes and Noble to get to the store that was my final destination. I stopped in and B & N’s photography book section and found a copy of Annie Leibovitz’s book “At Work”. I can’t wait to get home tonight to start reading it.
Well that’s it for this week. I may post something else later in the week.