Do I shoot senior portraits?
July 29th, 2009
I recently received a phone call from customer asking if I shot senior portraits. She said she was asking because she liked my work, but didn’t see a gallery titled “seniors”. I explained to her that I don’t consider “senior” pictures as a style of portrait. High school seniors, like everyone else, have a large range of tastes and styles. For me, it makes sense to base the style of the portrait on the person, not base it on their chonological age.
I also told her I don’t have a single style of photography either. Again, because people are different, I base lighting, poses, location, and shooting style on the individual. If you look through my online portfolio you’ll notice that there is a wide variety to the images I create, all of which are tailored to the individual.
When viewing my portfolio, I think most people would be hardpressed to be able to pick out just the senior photos. And that’s the way I like it. 🙂