
Photography is an art and a skill.

The other day I was talking to a fellow photographer and a friend. He has a full time job that pays the bills but photography is his passion. As it turns out, the daily activities of life (working, caring for a family, etc.) have left very little time lately for him to use his camera.

While we were talking, Bob (not you, the other Bob) told me that he is finding that he is forgetting some of the basic rules and tricks that every photographer knows. This was causing him a lack of confidence, which caused him apprehension about shooting, which caused him to shoot less, which caused him to start forgetting basics. It was a self fulfilling downward spiral and was affecting not only his confidence, but also his inspiration.

So what was my advise? Take more pictures. Take. More. Pictures. Photography is an art and it is a skill. I think the artist in each of us is something that never leaves. It’s something we are born with. However, the skill we cultivate to bring forth the art, well, that can be a different story. Someone can be born with a propensity for music and start playing a piano at a very young age. But it takes time to learn the techniques and motor skills that makes them a world class pianist. Only through years of practice does the natural gift for music and skills to bring it forth, collide.

And so it is with other forms of artistic expression. The more you study it, the more you do it, the better you get. And when you stop? The artist inside doesn’t go away, it’s just that the skills may get a little rusty.

Here’s an unexpected to benefit to taking more photos: You will find inspiration. But you say “Of what? I don’t feel inspired to work on any projects”. That’s the point. By forcing yourself to use your skills, you will discover things that will inspire you. I’ve heard many painters say that the best inspiration is to sit at a canvas and just start painting. The act of practicing your skills will lead to reigniting your passion and inspiration.

Inspiration seldom comes out of nowhere like a lighting bolt. It seldom comes from sitting on a couch. It seldom hits you while you are stuck in traffic. More often than not, it comes through an evolutionary process that starts with you actually doing something. One thing leads to another, which leads to another, and all of sudden you feel compelled to shoot something, beautiful, scary, shocking, touching, or whatever your passion steers you toward.

Take. More. Pictures.

That’s it for this week.

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Thanks for reading.
