
The Photography Business and Sunday Mornings.

OK, I have to admit, I like the hustle and bustle of the work week. I love my job, even those days when I have to wake up at the crack of dawn and drive 3 hours to a commercial shoot in the middle of no where. I really love what I do. But I also have to admit, I really like Sunday mornings.

Sunday mornings around our house are quiet. Often, I’ll get up before my wife and grab my MacBook, a cup of coffee, and my Leica and retreat to the sunroom ( a small 12×15 room with 2 walls of windows facing south and west). For a couple of hours I’ll browse the web, look for creative inspiration, review personal photos I’ve taken throughout the week, and generally just do very little. Most of the time our two large goofy hounds will join me, lounge at my feet and wait patiently for my wife to wake and join us.

It’s a couple of hours of down time specifically allocated to be used for down time. It’s nice. It’s time used to provide clarity to life that can be chaotic and sometimes seem out of control. It’s time used to make plans and set goals. Today those objects could be long term, life goals. Or maybe they could be just plans for breakfast. Sunday mornings have no rules. That’s one reason I love them.

Photo of the Sunroom

The Sunroom

Thanks for reading. Oh, and if you want to see some of my personal photography projects, check this out. Personal projects are works I do just for myself (because I strangely feel inclined to create them) or as pro-bono work for organizations/charities.
