
A Strange Photo

OK, for those of you that know me, you realize I get some strange and wacky ideas for photos. For me, sometimes the stranger or wackier the stronger the urge to try to create the image. I guess I like the challenge. So, a couple of months ago I got the idea to create a science fiction style photo with a beautiful heroine doing battle with a monster of some sort. I sketched out a rough idea of what I was looking for and then comtemplated how to create the image.

First off, I knew that the image would have to be a composite of several photos of objects of different scales, all shot specifically for this project. Some of the many challenges were lighting, scale, perspective, depth of field, plus finding the right props. Although I’ve done many composite images in the past, due to the many factors involved, this was by far the most difficult.

Copyright Ken Rieves Photography

Click HERE to see a larger version of this image.

As a photographer I draw my inspiration from a variety of mediums. For instance, one of my favorite magazines is Communication Arts. It is a magazine geared towards advertising professionals and features articles about all aspects of advertising and design.

My strange image this week is actually a work in progress and I’ll likely be making improvements to the image over the next couple of weeks, as time permits. It’s been a fun and challenging project and I look forward to showing you a final, complete image.

I’d also like to thank Steph, Meg, Barb, and everyone that watched the shoot via Ustream!!

Thanks for visiting the blog!