
Old Photos

This afternoon I was going thru a bunch of old photos. A client wanted some photos that dated back to 2009. In my search, I have to admit that I got sidetracked. I ended looking thru bunches of my old photos. I found photos that date back to 2000 when I got my first digital camera, and nobody told you how to manage your photo assets so you end up with massive clumps of pictures in storage like me. Not complaining, its a fun walk through the past. When I got that camera I was still skeptical about the future of digital photography, but was willing to see what the hub-bub was about.

Once I started shooting digital and became familiar with it, I decided that digital was the future of photography. While I still shot some film, I was preparing to make the switch permanently.

One photo I came across was shot in 2007. It was a photo that I always like but forgot about. The photo shoot was for her high school senior pictures. While we shot a bunch of different poses and styles, but I always like this one. In fact on my portrait page there are couple of other photos from this same shoot. They are photos 10 and 11.

I like the pose, her expression, and the lighting. It’s not a typical senior picture which is another reason I like it.

Megan's Senior Photos - copyright Ken Rieves Photography

And, by the way, I didn’t forget to find those photos for my client. 🙂

Thanks for reading and have a good weekend.

– Ken