On Creativity…
June 18th, 2012
A few weeks ago, I had a discussion with an aspiring photographer/artist. Since I am always behind on my blog posting, I am just now posting this. This person, I’ll call him Toby, was telling me he really wanted to create really bold, original art that would be the hallmark of his style. He said that he really wanted to create shocking/surprising photos and to get noticed in the art/photography world.
Toby seems to have talent, but is not very experienced. His body of work is limited and it seems some of it is really good, other pieces, not so much. For some reason he asked my opinion as to how he should go about making his mark. Below is a summary of what I told him.
I understand that you want to make your mark in the art world and to get noticed, but you have ask yourself why. Are you just wanting fame or do you want accolades for you talent and hard work? If it’s just fame, I don’t know what to tell you. Just go get famous. If you are wanting to be noticed for you work and talent, then you just have to work harder on your craft.
Here’s what I believe. Don’t create art to be shocking or to be noticed. Create art that satisfies you. Art that quenches your creative thirst. Don’t create art to satisfy other people (unless they pay you to). If you create art for yourself, your individuality and style will reveal itself. You won’t need try to be different, you will be different. You don’t need to contrive style.
Here’s the kicker, it may not happened all at once. It takes time to build a body of work and you learn by making mistakes along the way. Don’t be impatient. Some people make it rather quickly, but it doesn’t mean that they will be around next month or next year.
Again, create art/photos that satisfies you. Don’t create a style or persona that isn’t genuine or sincere.
Anyway, that’s my $.02’s worth. Thanks for reading!