
Six Years of Blogging

I started this blog in 2008 with the intent of updating it every week. Well, that didn’t happen. Coming up with something new and interesting over six years is pretty difficult. At best count, this is my 245th posting to this blog. That may not seem like a large number but for me it has been a struggle. A happy struggle.

That said, I’m ready to try for another 245 posts, if you are willing to stick it out with me. I have some ideas for new posts that may be a little more educational in nature. Plus, I’ve update the blog software on my server, so hopefully that will help. I’m on a search for software so I update my website. So far, I installed Joomla and played with it a little. I think it is overly complex for what I an wanting to do. But hand coding using HTML and Javascript is too cumbersome. In the next couple of weeks I hope to have a solution and will be working on the site.

Once a again, thanks for reading!!
