
Transitioning to Macs

Well, I finally accepted fate. I started transitioning the studio over to Apple computers. I was just encountering so many problems with my PCs that it finally made sense. While PCs are significantly less expensive, I was spending too much time maintaining them. I started the transition by replacing my HP Notebook with a MacBook Pro. While I am still learning the OS, I really feel that this is the right way to go.

Every PC I’ve bought has always had all kinds of preinstalled applications and programs, usually it was games and crap that I didn’t want. I had to spend time uninstalling all that stuff. I’m sure the programs left artifacts in the registry files. Macs are pretty lean in terms of the preinstalled software. The software that is there is the stuff you need and seem to work well. Now I have to transition my software to the new platform, not a cheap proposition.

Once I gain more confidence in my Mac skills, I’ll start shopping for a desktop for the studio. Plus I still have to resolve some server issues. There’s always new challenges and it’s never boring around here. 🙂

Thanks for reading,
