

Earlier this week I posted a question on Twitter asking what my next blog posting should be about. I got several good suggestions, but decided on this one – “What about a throwback post? Talk about a photo from earlier in your career–something memorable or a demonstration of your growth?”

I thought that was a good question and made me contemplate how much have I grown and in what direction? For one, my ability to control light has improved and become more purposeful. This is true for my commercial work as well as my portraiture. As a result my images have grown more complex, delving into composite images where all elements have to be lit consistently.

In terms of my portraits, I’ve always liked a sense of drama. Before opening my studio, most of my portraits were either business head shots or photojournalistic images. Having my own business allowed me to express myself more freely.

My first day in business was April 1, 2006. How appropriate that it was April Fool’s Day. The photos below were taken in May of that year and show that I tended to like darker, more dramatic images in opposed to bright, shiny portraits.

Copyright Ken Rieves Photography

Copyright Ken Rieves Photography

Copyright Ken Rieves Photography

Copyright Ken Rieves Photography

Copyright Ken Rieves Photography

Even though the last image is more of a high key photo, there is still a certain amount of drama in it.

If I was to re-shoot these images today, I would certainly shoot them differently. Maybe I would add a little subtle rim light here or there. Maybe add a reflector to add a touch of light to the shadow areas. But the essence of the types of images I like to create can be seen in my earlier work.

I hope you enjoyed a glimpse of some of my older portrait work and I thank you for reading. Maybe next week I’ll talk more about my commercial work and how it has evolved.

To see more of my portraits click here.
