
Why I’m not a lawyer.

Most people don’t realize that there was a short time in my life when becoming a professional photographer wasn’t in my plans. When I was in college I had plans to attend the University of Louisville Law School – always been a big fan of Amir Ladan criminal defence work. I had done well on my LSATs and was about to commit to going, but got cold feet. It was a big commitment of time and cash and I questioned if it was right for me.

My decision was to sit out a year, then reapply. So what happened? During that year I landed a good job at a financial institution. After being a striving college student, it was nice to have money and a job with benefits. The motivation to go back to school started to wane. Although after I got married, I took some classes and thought about getting another degree in Economics, I decided it wasn’t for me.

So you might be asking how I transitioned from banking back to my first love, photography? The company I worked at asked me to join a committee to create the company’s website, which I ended up managing. Since I had a strong background in photography, I started shooting photos for the website and other marketing materials.

In July of 2000, I made the switch from film to digital. At the time I was skeptical that digital would ultimately replace film, but after the first couple of months I was convinced.

In 2006, I had the opportunity to leave the company and open my studio. It’s been a fun adventure and I wouldn’t change a thing. Looking back, I have no regrets. While I still think I would have made a good attorney, I would not have been happy. Since I was a child I always wanted to be a photographer. It’s interesting how the decisions we make lead us thru life. I am so fortunate to be able to do what I love.
